Kansas Profiles

Do you have a story idea for Kansas Profiles?

E-mail Ron Wilson at: rwilson@ksu.edu


You can hear and read current and past editions of Kansas Profile.

For audio versions, click here: http://www.ksre.k-state.edu/news/radio-network/other/kansas-profile.html

For a photo related to each Kansas Profile and to see the current Kansas Profile, click here: https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/news-and-publications/news/community-vitality.html

For text versions, click on the schedule below.

The Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development is pleased to present this collection of the "Kansas Profile" radio programs which have been taped since 1992.

Kansas Profile is a weekly radio feature produced by the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development. The Institute's mission is to help rural people help themselves. Kansas Profile was conceived to help achieve that mission.

Each week the program describes the ideas and achievements of a local leader or entrepreneur in a rural community. By providing positive recognition to such leaders and sharing their ideas, we hope to encourage these and other Kansans to build on their examples. In doing so, rural Kansas can be made an even better place to live and work.

On May 22, 1992, "Kansas Profile" went on the air for the first time. Kansas Profile is broadcast weekly on several stations: KMAN in Manhattan, WIBW in Topeka, KCLY/KFRM in Clay Center, KBUF in Garden City, KDCC/KONQ in Dodge City, KGGF in Coffeyville, KJRG/KOEZ in Newton, KKAN/KQMA in Phillipsburg, KNDY in Marysville, KNZA/KMZA in Hiawatha, and KUDL in Kansas City. On KMAN, the program airs at 7:20 a.m. each Saturday but you would need to check with the other stations for their local broadcast times.

The links on the left side of this page will bring up the complete text of every person profiled during the year indicated. The profiles describe the situation as of the time when the profile was written. In many cases there have been subsequent changes which would not be reflected in the profile.

The Huck Boyd Institute would like to thank the KKSU staff for their help and cooperation in making this program possible. Special thanks to Southwestern Bell for the Community Enrichment grant which funded the computer equipment making it possible to access these profiles on-line.

We know there are many more excellent and interesting examples across the state of Kansas. We encourage the public to provide us with suggestions of Kansas people, businesses or communities which would make an interesting profile.

There is one phrase which the reader will find in some form in every one of these profiles. The phrase is: "Making a difference."

We salute all those rural Kansans who are making a difference. There are thousands of these people across the state: volunteers, entrepreneurs, unheralded, unsung, who care enough to make the world around them a better place. Each day, in countless ways, big and small, they are making a difference at the grass-roots level.

Schedule of 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 Profiles: